About Us
Steven Kane
Married 1993. Separated 2015. Divorced 2016. Two wonderful sons.
When I was young my parents told me, You can do anything you set your mind to. Crazy me, I believed them. As a result I’ve had a crazy-quilt path, full of twists and turns, success and failure, very high highs, and very low lows. I’ve been a dishwasher and CEO, newspaper editor and video artist with work in museum shows, professionally written software, screenplays and haiku, been a music video producer and book store clerk. As a caterer, I was publicly dressed down by Robert De Niro; as a startup founder I was profiled by the New York Times. I have friends who are gazillionaire finance wizards, TV stars, and renowned physicians and scientists, as well as starving brilliant artists, street musicians, and failed impresarios one step ahead of the IRS. Plus, of course, many great friends who are just awesome humans, living normal, mostly-happy lives.
My resume and such, are online:

Advisory Board

Laura W. Campbell
Executive Leadership Coach
Divorce Consultant

Jerry Colonna
CoFounder & CEO, Reboot.io
Certified Life Coach
Former Managing Director J.P. Morgan and Flatiron Partners

Lisa Hodes
Certified Divorce Coach
Former Family Law Attorney

Kiva Schuler
Founder and CEO,
The Heartful Business
Certified Life Coach

We’re a new platform, offering ideas and practices to try to help people improve their lives, even if just a smidgen or two, both day in and day out and over the longterm. We just released our first title: F*** It. Get A Divorce: The Relationship Guide For Optimists. Which asks a simple question: If you’re in an unhappy relationship, marriage or otherwise, do you desire to stay there the rest of your life? Even if that means 10, 20 even 30 or 40 years of it? If not, have you ever explored, just as an exercise, what it would take, and be like, all the highs and lows and everything in between, to move on to a new life? What have you got to gain?